All CyanoAlert services for 2022 are now up and running and supports environmental monitoring authorities, drinking water producers, research projects, water treatment plants and more.
All CyanoAlert services for 2022 are now up and running and supports environmental monitoring authorities, drinking water producers, research projects, water treatment plants and more.
The new CyanoAlert App is now available for free download on App Store and Google Play. Try it!
CyanoAlert services identified cyano bloom of mostly Microcystis wesenbergii (see photo), but also Microcystis viridis and other species, in Norra Bergundasjön.
Photo: Medins Havs och Vattenkonsulter AB.
- The CyanoAlert app will make it easier for municipal residents to quickly get information about the risk of cyanobacteria blooms in their nearby swimming lake, says Signe Noresson at Växjö municipality in Sweden.
Read the article and watch the interview/demonstration (in Swedish)
Här är appen som håller koll på giftalgerna i Växjös sjöar
Figure: Signe Noresson at the Växjö municipality in Sweden demonstrates the CyanoAlert App in national TV. Photo: SVT.
During the summer of 2021, Växjö municipality in Sweden will test a new service to use satellite to monitor if there are algal blooms in the lakes Helgasjön, Örken, Innaren, Växjösjön, Trummen, Norra Bergundasjön and Södra Bergundasjön.
Read the article (in Swedish)
Mobilapp varnar för algblomning
Space Based Cyanobacteria Information & Services